“It takes a village to raise a child”
Caroline Miller - RN Psychotherapy
Specializing in Perinatal Mental health & Women’s Mental Health
Caroline Miller
Virtual and In-person available
Email: sudburypostpartum@gmail.com
IG: @itscarolinemiller
Phone: 249-490-5477
Naturopathic Doctors in Sudbury
Dr. Danielle Watson
Specializing in fertility, pregnancy & postpartum
Email: drwatson@themotherdoctor.com
IG: @themotherdoctor
Phone: 705-588-2242 - Located at Centre Health
Dr. Cayla Bronicheski
Specializing in preconception, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and pediatrics
Email: info@nickelridge.com
IG: @drcayla.nd
Phone: 705-586-3230 - Located at Nickel Ridge Clinic
Dr. Michelle Mussar
Specializing in Women’s Health, preconceptions, digestive health, thyroid & fatigue
Email: info@advancedwomenshealth.ca
IG: @drmichellemussar
Phone: 613-572-4294 - Located at Advanced Women’s Health
Pre & Postnatal Fitness, Breastfeeding Specialist & Sleep Consultant
Karissa Merrylees
Email: karissa.mamanursern@gmail.com
IG: @mamanursern
Phone: 705 - 210 - 9214
The Mama Coach - Carolyn Marshall
Registered Nurse, Certified Sleep Consultant, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, Prenatal Educator, Newborn Expert, CPR Instructor & Toilet Training Educator
Carolyn Marshall
Email: carolyn@themamacoach.com
IG: @themamacoach.carolyn
Phone: 705 - 988 - 0159
Switch It Up With Steph
Registered Massage Therapy, Certified Infant Massage Instructor & Health Coaching
Stephanie Leduc
Email: switchitupwsteph@gmail.com
IG: @switchitupwsteph
Phone: 705 - 560 - 4090
Psychologist - Dr. Jenna Albiani
Psychologist and Clinic Director at Northern Psychology Group. Trained in treating Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders.
Dr. Jenna Albiani
Email: jalbiani@northernpsychologygroup.com
Phone: 705-698-6326
Core Vitality
Pre & Postpartum Fitness, Birth Coach and Kinesiologist
Lexi Dewar
Email: lexidewar@gmail.com
IG: @core_vitality & @dewla.birthcoach
Phone: 705 - 698 - 8911
Naturally Northern
HypnoBirthing/ Prenatal Educator & Birth Support Doula
Susan Sorrell
Email: naturallynorthern@hotmail.com
IG: @naturallynorthernco
Phone: 705 - 261 - 0744
Birth Coach - Lianne Holland
Labour and Delivery Nurse providing Prenatal and Postpartum education, Birth Support and In-home Postpartum Care
Lianne Holland
Email: hello@birthcoachlianne.com
IG: @birthcoach.lianne
Pelvic Health Physio in Sudbury & Surrounding Area
Christina Vallier
Email: christina@neurophysiosudbury.ca — Phone: 705-586-2366 — IG:@neurophysiosudbury
Ashley Ross
Phone: 705-885-1333 — IG:@ashleyrossphysio & @inspire.physio
https://ashleyrossphysio.ca/ & https://inspirephysio.ca/
Kayla Dumont
Email: kayla@sudburyhealthcollective.com — Phone: 705-586 - 0138 — IG:@sudburypelvicphysio
Ashley Shelswell
Email: info@rebalancesudbury.com — Phone: 705-222 - 1300 — IG:@rebalancesudbury
Dayna Webster
Email: dayna@prophysiorehab.com - Phone: 705-522-9991 - IG:@prophysiosudbury
Kelly Fleming (in-home care!)
Email: northernpelvicconnection@gmail.com - Phone: 705-822-1263 - IG:@northern_pelvic_connection
Emily Peters
Phone: 705-222-6983 - IG: @healthtweaksudbury
Brittany Culbertson
Phone: 705-885-1333 — IG:@brittpelvicpt & @inspire.physio
Doula Services in Sudbury
Christina Wood
Phone: 705 - 618 - 5390 — IG: @thegentledoula
Lindsay Tulloch
Phone: 705 - 920 - 1523 — IG: @themindfuldoula_sudbury
Ashlyne Botelho
Email: hello@northernmama.com — Phone: 705 - 521 - 4902 — IG: @hellonorthernmama
Michaela Penwarden - Watson
Email: michaelapw@gmail.com — Phone: 705 - 920 - 8717
Mykayla Robertson - also does photography and placenta encapsulation
Email: hello@northnestbirthco.com — Phone: 705 - 207 - 2888
IG: @northnestbirthco https://www.northnestbirthco.com/
Mother & Infant Chiropractors in Sudbury
Dr. Trisha Hewitt - Mobile Clinic, Sudbury to Little Current
Email: Trisha@drtrishahewitt.com - Phone:705-988-1032
Dr. Doni & Dr. Alaura at Vita Chiropractic
Phone: 705 - 586 - 8482 - IG:@vitachiro, @dr.alaurawenmann
Dr. Kassandre Goupil
Phone: 705-522-6222 - IG: @sudburychirokass, FB: Dr. Kassandre Goupil, Chiropractor
Dr. Veronique Bouzane & Dr. Vitaliy Suprunov
Phone: 705-222-6983 - IG: @healthtweaksudbury