Watching the colors change and the leaves fall from the tree has gotten me thinking.
We are nature. Women especially, are just like nature – cyclical with seasons.
As I stood there in awe of the beauty of this tree it occurred to me that I am standing here in celebration and joy of these colourful leaves while these leaves are no longer able to serve their purpose for the tree.
In Autumn the leaves become dormant and are no longer able to produce food by photosynthesis for the tree. They begin to BREAK DOWN in the last attempt to nourish the tree before it goes dormant for the winter - which is where we see these vibrant colours.
I laughed to myself – here I am in awe of this beauty and it is literally the beauty of a breakdown.
So how come, we as humans, have no problem watching and enjoying and celebrating each season.
We accept nature’s changes.
We allow it to happen.
We adapt to the changes without question.
So why can’t we treat ourselves and others as such.
During this time of becoming a mother.
Women literally spend 9 months growing and creating a human life.
We often spend many months after nourishing and caring for this new life.
We go through the most intense changes – physically, emotionally and mentally.
We are giving all of ourselves to nourish another.
We are these beautiful leaves that are going dormant and breaking down to give life to the tree.
This prenatal and postpartum stage is the Season of Receiving.
It is the season in a women’s life where your only job should be to care for your baby.
Our society has forgotten this.
Society expects a woman to not only care for this new life but also keep the house in tip top shape, cook nourishing meals for herself and everyone else, “bounce back” into shape and look like she never even carried a child for 9 months.
And on top of that – we are expected to do all this alone or with only one other partner who is probably just as tired and is going through their own experience of transition.
To have inner peace and be accepting of these changes we need to be able to watch, enjoy and celebrate these life changes in whichever way they present. And I don't just mean the mother - it is also important that the support system is able to watch, enjoy and celebrate this life transition.
So much distress, anxiety and depression in becoming a mother occurs because this Season of Receiving is not acknowledged and is being challenged.
This change is inevitable. It’s time to embrace all the weird and wonderful emotions. It’s time to just go with the flow of the craziness of this season. Ignore what society is telling you for a hot second and go within and find what flow feels right for you and your family.